What’s with all the changes?

A friend and I were discussing the recent changes that he had seen on the site. Changes not only in the site layout (rotating header, black design and etc) but also the focus and direction we’ve taken in the last few months.

You may have scene quite a bit of racing postings, events and team news. This friend found it rather interesting that in a few short months we’ve gone from recreational mountain biking and towards a sudden focus to racing.

Well, yes its true. Our focus since late 2008 has been on racing, that’s due to the fact that we found we had a pretty talented staff that liked to go fast. When we formed the MtnBikeRiders.com Racing Team, we wanted to to bring “recreational” mountain bikers to a new level of riding. Don’t get me wrong, none of us really dream of being a pro (well maybe one), but if you take away all the events and all of the jerseys, we’re still the same group of people…recreational mountain bikers…that race. Think of it as Vegetarians that eat Sea Food. Get it?

Every time we finish an event/race, we like to post our experiences so we can share and even relate to our readers. I have another friend that likes to comment on the site (dial tone), we were having a conversation about racing. I had encouraged him to at least try it, but he said no thanks because he was a recreational rider, but we had taken it to the next level. But what I want everyone to understand, sure we have a number of our staff that race, Moe and I just started racing but it doesn’t mean we’re “hardcore” or anything like that. Honestly, I raced DH because Priscilla thinks its hot…Moe races to achieve personal goals.

Our racing focus on the site is basically a grass roots effort to make mountain bike racing more appealing to those who consider themselves recreational riders. If you’re lucky enough to have a race series by your home, please take advantage of it. Some of the people we meet at Fontana come as far away as Colorado just to race…for us its just a 40 min drive. You never know, this racing thing might just be your thing…just look at Priscilla, a mom of 3, college student and wife…but she’s a champ! Or you can be like Moe and I, not really serious racers,(c’mon…its Moe and RL…)but we have fun when we’re out there.