Happy Birthday!
Yep it’s that time of year! January 25th and we are celebrating RL’s birthday!!!
Ok. So someone misspelled his name but it’s close enough! LOL! Make sure to take a second and encourage RL today! 😀
Yep it’s that time of year! January 25th and we are celebrating RL’s birthday!!!
Ok. So someone misspelled his name but it’s close enough! LOL! Make sure to take a second and encourage RL today! 😀
Art? Eh that’s ok, I’ve been called worse. Here’s a list of names that people have called me since they couldn’t say “RL”
Lancaster (my real name is Launceston)
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Happy birthday, RLaunceston!!!
Priscilla, be sure to give our birthday boy a big sloppy hug and kiss for me!!!
Thanks Jack, but how come your not giving me the sloppy hug and kiss? hehe
Happy Birthday!!! Have a good one!
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had an awesome day RL!
Happy Birthday RL….Opps forgot to get you a present, maybe next year!!!
I’m too far away to administer things properly…besides, I think you’d rather get one from Priscilla on my behalf than one from me directly!
Happy Birthday RL woohoo!
Bappy Hirthday! Dude
RL, Happy Birthday!
You forgot “Art Elles”. Happy b-day buddy!
Happy Birthday RL!! Hope you had a GREAT DAY!!!
Happy B-Day! Walksie
Happy Birthday / Feliz Compleanos / Maligayang Kaarawan Ar-El!
Maybe you have balut for your birthday so have something to unwrap!