Hey Fart Face!

Want to learn how to make new friends on the trail? It’s really easy, anytime you see a rider, greet them by saying, “Hey Fart Face!” That is known as the universal saying for, “I would like to be your friend!”

Nodding or saying, “how’s it going” is pointless. All that says is you’re not friendly. If you treat people like you would your friends by greeting them with a casual tone as you say “Hey Fart Face!” it gives them the impression you’re a nice, warm and friendly guy.

It works in all social and professional situations! If you’re at work, go up to your boss and say, “Hey Fart Face!” Just watch how your boss will smile. Heck he might even invite you to his office for a “meeting” to talk about your comment. Another person to try would be your wife. Dude, nothing says foreplay than saying “Hey fart face!” to your wife! Just try it, you’ll see…you’ll see…

Wives, saying the greeting to your mother in-law is just like giving them a compliment. Try it, I guarantee you’ll get nothing but praises from her.

Single guys, if you see a pretty woman, just say, “Hey Fart Face!” I bet you’ll get her phone number…

Saying “Hey Fart Face!” in your personal and professional life will greatly increase your likability amongst your neighbors, family, friends and colleagues.

***Disclaimer:MtnBikeRiders.com will not be responsible if you get fired, divorced, or beat up by saying “Hey Fart Face!” Dude…you’re the one that said it, not us.