Lacking in social skills?

Are you an Emo, a computer nerd or someone that lacks in social skills? If you said yes to any of those, then you’re in luck! has a proven system on how you can evolve from a social looser to a social bug in the mountain biking community.

Here’s how! All you have to do is ride your mountain bike. You also need to follow a few steps below, then you’ll be on your way to being the life of the party, the talk of the town and the cream of the crop.

1. Smile all the time. No matter how tough the climb is, smiling will give other riders around you the impression that you are super cool.

2. Say hi to everyone you see on the trail, even the guys in Spandex. Cuz’ those guys need love too.

3. Join as many group rides as possible. You should even consider riding with people that have alternative lifestyles. I’m sure they’ll recruit you, rather than shooting down the proposition, consider it. You never know, it maybe something you may enjoy…

4. Carry 6 tubes and 6 packets of Gu in your hydration pack. Flat tires and bonked out riders are usually in need of assistance. If you see a rider who has a flat, offer them a tube. If you see a rider having a hard time on the ride, offer them a Gu. Take advantage of those gestures and start up a conversation….”I see you have a flat…” “You look like you need a gel.” Since these people are indebted to you, they’ll feel obligated to keep you company or carry on a conversation with you. Take advantage of this time and discuss a topic about anything. But don’t get into details about Star Wars, Computer stuff, or jokes only people that play World of Warcraft would understand…mmkay Artard!

5. One of the most important things in becoming social is to ask the right questions that would make the other person have to respond in detail. So if a person has a red bike, don’t say, “Hey you got a red bike, do you like red?” No! You don’t do that because you’re not supposed to ask a question where their answer will only be with a yes or no. If that person has a red bike, take notice about other details about their bike…”I see you have a sticker of a squirrel with extremely large balls…, can you tell me more about it?

6. Hang out in as many bike shops as you can. This move will help you get noticed by local riders. When they see you at the trail, they’ll say, “Hey, isn’t that the guy that always hangs out at XYZ Bike Shop?”

7. Last step to becoming more social, drink beer. It doesn’t matter what a person’s occupation, religion or sexual preference, beer is something that brings people together. So after you meet a few people on the trail, offer them a beer after the ride. Nothing is better than a cold fresh beer after a hot long ride. Carry a cooler of good beer…none of that cheap 18 pack for $5.99 junk. You have to get stuff like Blue Moon, Fat Tire and Guinness. You show any beer drinking guy a pint, then they’ll become your new buddy and will invite you to the the next group ride or social event.

I hope this little how to has helped inspire you to get out there and make new friends. The Staff and Race Team always practice what you read and you know what, people are drawn to it and we often meet new riders on a weekly basis. Go on, try it, it works!