Dainese Mountain Bike Gear

Founded in 1972, Dainese (pronounced dienehzeh) is the leading manufacturer of motorcycle protective wear.  Dainese has a complete line of motorcycle gear from head to toe.  From helmets, protective leathers, right down to boots.  With their top sponsored motorcycle athletes they are well known around the world.


One of Dainese’s other product line that’s making its way to the mainstream is their mountain biking gear.  It was in 1992, 20 yrs after they had began, when downhill mountain biker Philippe Perakis first used motorcycle protective gear for mountain biking.  Shortly after, a specific division was created to apply Dainese technology towards mountain biking (and others sports such as snowboarding/skiing and water sports). 

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                 Nicolas Vouilloz (’99) wearing the Dainese Pressure Suit


The demands of a DH course has changed through the years and progressed to a much greater technical challenge, thus requiring more protection for the riders.  Dainese was there with state of the art technology.  In 1999, Nicolas Vouilloz, a multiUCI Champion was the first Dainese mountain bike athlete to win a title.  Since then we saw many downhillers, Pro and recreational, wear the Dainese pressure suit. 

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Ten years later, Dainese has expanded their product line for mountain biking. Products range from helmets, gloves, pressure suits (full body and jacket type), elbow/knee pads and apparel. 

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         Impact Jacket Race

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D-Raptor helmet.


You can find the complete line of products by visiting online at www.dainese.com or walk in the DStore.  Dainese has two DStores in the United States.  Both are located in California, one in San Francisco and the other in Costa Mesa.


For our international readers, there are DStores located around the world.  Check their site for locations.

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D-Store in Costa Mesa, CA


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Mountain bike and snow gear displayed at the D-Store.

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Note the smaller sizes. Dainese has gear for the young riders.

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               Art Aguilar, 3rd place Expert MEN-Nat’ls, in full Dainese gear.


You may also be lucky enough to see Dainese at a race venue.  Most recently they were at Fontana, CA for the 2009 Kenda Cup West (XC & SD)/Fontana City Nationals (DH & 4X), showcasing their mountain bike products. Next stop should be at Sea Otter in Monterey, CA later this month.

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Dainese at Fontana City Nationals

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