Review: Sportlegs

sportlegs received several bottles of SportLegs. Basically I wanted to have our race team use them in a real race setting. We had the opportunity to test how these pills worked during the Shimano Winter Series as well as Counting Coup and Traverse.

Cost: $26.95 for a bottle of 120 capsules.

What’s in it?

Here’s some testimonials from the race team and staffers.

Eric “The Animal” Hunner

Eric Hunner

I believe the Sportlegs worked for me during the 2009 “Counting Coup”. I took six before the race at 4:30 am and started at 5:30am. 25 miles later crossing the top of Saddleback I took a few more.

After 44 miles and 5 plus hours of single speed riding I was feeling good with no signs of leg cramps that I fought off in the same event the year before. I intend on using them from now on in long distance races such as “The Traverse” on May 9, 2009.

Kim Finch (Team Racer)

As a mountain bike rider & Cross Country racer, I have been using “Sport Legs” for a few years. I first tried them while attending Nationals in Mammoth Ca. I would not ride without them even on my casual rides. I found that my legs do not tire as soon as they normally would and have less recovery pain the following day. At first I thought it was just that I was getting stronger but when I ran out of them a few months ago and realized how much they really helped.

I had found out, without Sportlegs, my legs would become fatigued much quicker on the climbs and the next day they were sore & stiff. I will NOT ride without them. These are not some energy pick me up type product, they are natural way for my legs to continue to do what I am demanding of them! I use them prior to rides and races and always after I have finished. On long endurance rides I even take a couple in the middle of the ride to stay strong. It really does help keep the Lactic Acid build up in check.

Priscilla Policar (Team Racer)

Sportlegs helps my legs recover faster after long rides. It used to take me a couple of days to start feeling better, but if I take Sportslegs before and after the rides, I don’t have any negative effects from the ride the following day or two.

Jeremy Yang (Staffer)

Anybody who has ridden with me knows I have a nasty habit: at the two hour mark of every ride my body goes into “hate” mode and painful cramps begin in my legs. It doesn’t matter if it is a moderate 2 hour or a hellacious 2 hour ride at the two hour mark my body begins cramping. People who know me also know I’ve done everything in my power to cure this. I’ve invested in sports drinks, drank 20 cups of water the day before, considered pickle juice/mustard (ewww) and even tried sleeping early! All to no avail.

Things changed when I started using Sports Legs. Before a 4 hour ride, I decided to take the recommended amount for my body weight (4). During the ride, a singlespeed/rigid/hilly ride (think hellacious), I went past the three hour mark before the cramps set in. This was phenomenal. I have been dealing with this issue since I began riding years ago and Sports Legs has allowed me to get past the 2 hour barrier without cramping.

This past weekend, I rode on back to back days, a rare occurrence for me. On the second day, my legs were feeling sore from all the miles put in the day before and since I was running low on Sports Legs, I decided to forego them on day one. I took the last of my Sports Legs on day 2 then proceeded to hammer out the longest climb of the weekend (over 5 miles with a few thousand feet of elevation gain) without any issues. Actually, I felt pretty good afterwards. I’m a Sports Legs believer. No more cramps for me.

Well there you have it…from racers to staffers. They all seem to agree that SportLegs work. So don’t hesitate, get yourself a bottle and see for yourself how they work.