Ellsworth Project Pink Jerseys

Team MtnBikeRiders.com racer Kim Finch sent us some information to share about Ellsworth’s Pink Project Jerseys. This project is very dear to her heart since she happens to be a cancer survivor and an Ellsworth fan.

Tony Ellsworth and his crew continue to support the research and development of Breast Cancer by continuing their financial support of this cause with their “Project Pink”!

First with their bike frames and now with the new line of jerseys. Tony Ellsworth contributes 10% of the sale of each jersey to Breast Cancer Research. These jerseys are in their final stage of development and are currently being pre-sold by contacting Ellsworth Bikes either by phone or on their website. The onset of this project was for a XC jersey but as always Tony & his crew took it to a new level by adding a DH jersey and a cool summer jersey for the ladies.

He also supports the saving of the Rain forest and has developed jersey for this cause as well!

Many of the team members of Mtnbikeriders.com have a great passion for the Breast Cancer support cause. We have someone in our families that have been effected by this disease.

If you have seen me at the races I am on the “Project Pink Truth” and proudly ride for this cause. We look forward to the continued support of all of you in this cause that is so close to my own life! I have proud to work with the Ellsworth Team on these jerseys. Remember if you a see me at the races on my Pink Truth, be sure to say “HI” and now I will be more “Pink” and would love to talk to everyone! Check Ellsworth website for more details as they develop and for my news articles under the Team Members. Thanks to everyone for the support!

–Kim Finch