Pre-Weekend Ride Prep

Its Friday and you’re going on a weekend ride. What do you need to do in order to make sure your bike and you are ready to roll as soon as the sun comes out on Saturday?

Here’s a few tips, feel free to comment and leave your own suggestions.

1. Air up the tires-bring your tubes and pump

2. Clean your drive train. I usually degrease, and reapply lube.

3. Check your shifting. If needed make some adjustments to your derailleurs.

4. Check your brakes. Adjust them if needed, if the pads need to be replaced, you may have some time to go to the shop and pick up some replacements.

5. Get your hydration pack filled. Don’t forget to bring bars, gels, and tools.

6. It’s a good idea to bring a small first aid kit. Keep some items in your pack, and the bigger kit in your car.

7. Check your suspension air pressure. Get that all dialed in the night before so you’re not spending time working on your bike at the trail head.

8. Verify that all your riding buddies are still game for tomorrows ride.

9. If you’re driving to the trail head, fill up on gas the night before.

10. Set your automatic coffee maker to brew when you’re supposed to get up, that beautiful smell helps wake your butt up.

11. Get all your gear in one place, that includes your helmet, shoes, sunglasses, clothes, hydration pack, and cell phone. I normally have them by the door so I don’t forget anything.

12. Last but not least, get plenty of rest. Try not to drink alcohol the night before, it makes for dead legs the next morning.

Again, feel free to let us know of some useful tips that you currently do before a ride.