
SBR’s TRISLIDE, skin lubricant

  Today I tried a new product, it is called Trislide. Trislide is a skin lubricant, at first I was thinking do I really need something like this? Well that question was answered during tonight’s ride. I just came off an extended vacation starting at the Colorado River and ending yesterday  at Dog Beach In Surf City, much of my vacation was spent in the water .

 Dog Beach Surf City

 The problem I encountered this morning was a rash on my inner thigh. This was caused by my legs rubbing on my trunks combined with all the sand and salt water while playing with my little girl and her Mutt’s on the beach.

I was not looking forward to pedaling and inflaming the hotspots further during tonight’s ride. It turns out that Trislide was made to combat the problems like this. I applied Trislide to the hotspots and instantly felt a cooling sensation. It was very easy to apply, just spray it where ever you need it.  I put my gear on and went for a ride at Whiting Ranch. I was half down my street and I knew the Trislide Skin Lubricant was working, I rode 14 miles tonight and my legs feel great, no more burning. Here is link to the SBR site http://www.sbrshop.com/store/product.php?pyid=sa-0007&n=TriSwim-Trislide


TRISLIDE is the only skin lubricant found in a convenient environmentally friendly aerosol spray. TRISLIDE prevents chafing, blistering, irritation, and hot spots that occur when swimming, biking and running. The liquid silicone based spray promotes easy and quick entry/exit from wetsuits, swim speed skins, and bathing suits. Unlike other vegetable sprays that will disintegrate neoprene TRISLIDE is completely safe to use on wetsuits, and stays on even in the water.