Uh Oh…that’s no bueno…

This morning Joe and I met up to do a photo shoot to feature the Sette Venom and the KHS XCT 555. After I got home, I cleaned up and headed out to the market with my daughter.

I decided to put the bikes away later today so that meant they stayed on the car as we went to the store. As we drove through the neighborhood, I hit a little bump, and next thing you know…BUMP BUMP BUMP!

There’s something missing from this picture.

Turns out the Sette Venom came off my rack and bounced off my car and landed down the street. Fortunately the fella behind me stopped right away and he put his hazards on as I ran to get the bike.

I pulled the bike to the side of the road to inspect it. No major damage. Just some big scratches.

Lockon jaw came off.

Bent derailleur hanger and scratched derailleur.

This is what I was bummed out about. My Dirty Dog MTB Reaper Stem was pretty banged up.

Oh and my car has some deep gouges on the rear quarter panel and my antenna was bent back.

So how did this happen? Well, my rack’s locking thingy is for round down tubes. But the Sette Venom has a squarish tube. Basically the rack didn’t have enough grip and when I hit the bump, it came right off. I figure I’ll have to save up for a hitch for my car in order to transport the Venom around. But I can use my trunk mount rack in the mean time.