KHS Bicycles Launches a new 650b BIKE!!!!!!
The NEWEST weapon in the KHS arsenal… The 2010 sixfifty606. 650B wheels, “kick-ass” component spec. Contact your local KHS dealer for more details!
The NEWEST weapon in the KHS arsenal… The 2010 sixfifty606. 650B wheels, “kick-ass” component spec. Contact your local KHS dealer for more details!
What?? Whoa??? How??? HEY! This barely hit our warehouse! How did you find out!?!?!?!!? 😉
I have my sources…
Did the picture get pulled? Did someone violate the NDA?
picture? its there.
I am curious what you guys think about the 650B wheel standard for MTBs…yay, nay, or indifferent? What are the supposed strengths of such a wheel size?
There appears to be definite interest in the MTB community, but things seem to be developing fairly slowly, unlike the way 29″ wheels really caught fire. Anyhow, your thoughts are of great interest.
the velvet is a AMAZING fork… great looking bike, now lets hope KHS gets the “supplies” to meet the demand for 2010.