Dear Interbike Exhibitor from a pretty large continent

My name is RL Policar, I’m one of few RAD Filipinos that ride mountain bikes. When I am not dancing the Tinikling, I am riding my mountain bike. If I am not riding my mountain bike, I’m either eating dog or cat…just kidding about the dog and cat…we eat goats. Anyhow, I was just at the Interbike show in Las Vegas and I had met a few of your associates. If you don’t mind me asking, but next year could you send your BEST ENGLISH Speaking marketing/sales person to the event.

The reason why I ask is because a good 80% of the exhibitors from the LARGEST Continent based booths that I visited, your associates didn’t know how to speak English. I had a hard time communicating with them questions like “how much” , “website”, “I like your bangs” and “where’d you get your jeans, cuz I REALLY like them!”

Half the time, we would simply smile, nod to each other, exchanged business cards and went about my way. Though I am disappointed, I don’t speak your native language, perhaps having at least 1 employee that knows some conversational English may help. I’m not here to judge, but simply offer a suggestion.


RL Policar
Dog..err I meant Goat Eater