
So…what are you wearing (socks)

For the last 4 years I’ve preferred wearing crew socks, black in particular, than I do cycling socks.

Here’s what I’m talking about, black socks.

I never did like cycling socks because I don’t like their “wicking” abilities. If anything, my feet felt more schweaty with those than they do with their cotton counter part.

Take a look at this, here’s Jeremy wearing cycling socks. Nothing wrong with that since his feet don’t sweat like mine do.

Oh there’s another benefit to riding with longer socks. They protect you from thorns, bushes, and other stuff that could scrape, nick or get caught on your leg.

Now I’m curious to know what kind of socks you wear, and why? No I don’t have a foot fetish, ok maybe I do, but only for Priscilla’s feet. Dangit! That right there is what you Americans call, “TMI!”

Are you a:

Crew socks rider
Cycling socks rider