Kuat Innovations The NV Hitch Mount Rack-Being Tested

Just received this bad boy the other day for testing from KUAT Innovations.

kuat the nv

Here’s some photos on how it looks on the Limo.

The NV came with additional adapters to allow 700c wheels. But what you see can also handle 29er wheels. Plus it ratchets so you can make sure your bike is snug and with a simple press of the button, it releases.

Wheel tray.

Large quick release lever allows multiple rack positions.

Tilt forward



Built in lock and cable

See that knob, you crank on it and it will tighten the rack against your hitch to prevent sway.

Here’s the best part of the rack, built in repair stand!

I’ll be testing this rack in the next few months. For more information, check out KUAT Innovations.