Shimano Winter Series Finals 3-7-2010

Editorial-RL Policar: “Kim Finch had an outstanding weekend at the Shimano Winter Series Finals. She rode strong and was fearless. Read up on her report to get all the goods”

It was looking to be another wet weekend. When we arrived in Fontana, we were greeted with the wet ground, but thankfully no rain. We ran into Steve Ellis who had just finished his XC race and found out that he had crashed in his first lap and still managed to finish the remaining two laps. Later we learned that he had broken his collarbone. We helped him the best way we could and made sure he was situated before heading out to practice DH. Tony, Traci Adams (my competition), Bryan (riding buddy) & I head for the top of the mountain.

We started working in sections at the top with the first rock garden, which was an up, & over. Tips from both Bryan and Tony made it an easy section. Worked the turn just after the split course and was a flat rock with a hard right. I watched a couple other riders go through and it seemed pretty straightforward. Tony & I kind of buzzed the next section to an off camber rock section. I then following him until we hit the pedal to the saddle. We waited for Traci & Bryan and then took the saddle by storm. Tony had pulled off to the left and I kept going. I liked the flow of it and then the turn down a water drop, which of course I rolled. I have not managed to wheelie drop anything yet! Transition wasn’t very good but was fast. As a matter of fact, I was so fast I wanted to go back up and do it again so I could actually see what I had completed. Made it to the valley and the climb out was ugly. We hiked back to the top for a complete run through the course. The “cal State” side was a rocky set of “S” Turns for me but it had also been in the Super D course the race before which I was able to clear. The lower rock garden was pretty straight shot and a few more pointers from Tony and I was good.
Photos by Dale Hernandez

Sunday morning came in quick and we headed back to Fontana for the race. It had rained all night, which kept the course packed. Tony & David were not racing this event, so I was solo for practice. I pulled two clean practice runs off and honestly I was having so much fun I had to remind myself I still had to race!

Head to the top for the ever-anticipated wait! Then I line up for our count down. Donny let out “1” and I was off. The up & over was not as fast as I had done in practice & I was a little disappointed, but I left it there & moved on. I clear the corners & off camber rock section no problem. Up the saddle took a bit more effort then I wanted to use but clean. Rolled down the series of drops, around the banking turn with a little extra speed that I needed to clear the little short up & over. I dropped into the valley, but I seemed to have no gas left to climb out! I could hear yelling to pedal and then RL “Boss man,” was running beside me! I gave it all that I had and then I crossed the road to find more friends running beside me telling me it will be easier if I pedal.

I hit the Cal State side & felt really clean. I snaked my way through the lines I had picked for myself and then it was off to “The Wall”! I had no gas left so sat and peddled. It was all I could do to get but myself across the finish line! I was spent! There seemed to be several pedal points on this course and I’ll be honest those sections I wished I had my XC bike instead of my DH bike! All & all it was a lot of fun and I took 1st place for the race & 1st for the overalls!

Thanks everyone for their support and to our sponsors for the support as well! We’ll see you all at the next race!!