Update on Team Racer, Wes Castro

Well here is a little update from what the Neurologist found. The cause of the numbness in my leg is from a pinched nerve and a small partial tare. Which will heal and go back to normal with time and as the swelling goes down. As for the burning pain that is running up the whole right side of my body well that’s a bruised Sciatic Nerve which I will have to live with no real time table for when that will go away, it will eventually go away as I start to be able to work out. Man I’m a mess. I will be out of work for 12 weeks for sure without a doubt.

Next appointment will be with the Orthopedic Surgeon on March 31st. For more xrays and course of attack Surgery and Rehab or just Rehab.

I wanted to really thank all my friends for sticking with me and keeping me in your prayers. As this has been a really stressful time in my life especially not being able to work. You guys are the best group of friends anybody can have.

I will try and make it out to Fontana at least one day with my Cheer out fit and pom poms and megaphone to cheer you guys on.

Wesley “GQ” Castro

See how I highlighted when he said he wanted to try and make it out to the next Fontana race? Well here he is! He even drove himself!

RL, Wes “GQ” mad stylin with his pimp cane and Joe.
Wes Castro!

Funny story about this. As I’m entering the lower rock garden of the Fontan City National Race. I suddenly hear, “Good job RL!” I knew it was Wes’ voice, but I didn’t know he was going to be out there. If anything, I was surprised and I wanted to turn around real quick to make sure it was him. Since I was surprised, I ended up losing some control of my bike and brushed against the boulder to my right, but I was able to recover and finish my race run.

I was really encouraged to see Wes out there and we’re all still praying and hoping that he’ll make a speedy recovery.