Team Topeak-Ergon, Troupe Racing Co., and Crank Brothers Ride Report 4-21-10

I was eating lunch and I get a text for RL; Hey dude are you going to do that ride? I respond “that ride???” [Ergon – Troupe racing CO – Crank Brother MTB Ride]. Completely unaware that a special ride was planned to start at Crank Brothers in Laguna Beach, RL and I exchange a few more texts and now I am on track, lets hope my carpool buddy at work is on track to leave on time at 2:30pm. Every minute counts to make the 4pm start time, my work is 40 miles from home and I still needed to grab my gear. Some how I make it to Laguna Beach and find parking next to Dan it was at this point I realize my camera is at home.

We scramble and ride down the street to meet the group at Crank Brothers. We walked into the lobby at CB headquarters a couple minutes after 4pm and meet Jeff Kerkove, &  Sonya Looney from Ergon. We also meet Tim, Tom, Ben, and Roy from Troupe Racing Co and some other nice riders. Needless to say we were in the company of some hardcore and pro riders, I look around and see I am the only rider on SS-rigid {a little nervous I am going to have a hard keeping up with the gearies on the flats}.

Ergon’s riders Jeff and Sonya had there camera’s armed and ready and got some great shots of the ride posted at “der Blog”. It was a no drop ride so the pros would rip it up and come back to check on the Average Joe’s. It is not a regular thing for me to ride with pro mountain bikers but it was a blast, looking forward to the next year already.