Rider Down Fund Raiser BBQ/Raffle

As you have seen, the ride for the BBQ was a huge success. From what I heard from the leader of the pack, there were over 50 riders in total that showed up that morning.

Once the ride was over, it was time to have the BBQ. There were tons of food and drinks and of course, stuff to win from the raffle! We were fortunate enough to have team racer and my country cuh’, Joe Solancho taking photos of the event.

Food! David Sanderson took the first shift of cooking and then I stepped in for the cooking duties.

Wesley “GQ” Castro, on his feet. But he’s got a permanent Gangsta’ Lean from his injury.

We were fortunate enough to have tons of schwag donated by some awesome companies. The one that people REALLY wanted was the Melon Slice.

Once everyone was well fed, David started the raffle.

Big winners, Doc Thunda and Mrs. Thunda.

661 donated a bunch of helmets. Thanks Mr. Neil Adams.

By the end of the raffle, many people were super happy. In fact, my daughter was thrilled that she won the Melon Slice! Wes shared a few words of gratitude towards the sponsors, team mates as well as the mountain biking community that showed their support for him.

MtnBikeRiders.com staff and racers

We’d like to give thanks to the following companies and people who donated goods for the raffle.
Fox Racing, Ergon USA, Ice Toolz Sette USA, Melon Bicycles, Freedom Riders, Stuart of big Dwags Auto Detailing, Specialized, Peace Coffee, Moe Ramirez,The Path Bike Shop, Evomo, and Dainese USA.

Here’s all the photos from the event.

Short video.