They picked up what I was putting down.

It’s refreshing to work with a company who actually listens. On occasion is asked by the industry to provide input on certain products or ideas. With that in mind, I’ve been working pretty close (free of charge) with the makers of the Pcych Hydrator Trail. One of the concerns I had regarding the bag was the fit on smaller framed bags.

After a few phone and email conversations, Pcych Bags notified me that they developed a bag that would fit better on medium and smaller framed bikes. I thought that was pretty cool of them to listen to our suggestions and concerns. With that being said, Mr. Pcych himself, Lee Gomez and I are meeting today to see how the smaller bag would fit.

I brought my bikes with me today. What you see is the Priscilla’s KHS XC Team (small), the Soma Double Cross (52cm) and KHS XCT 555 (med).

I highly doubt that the “smaller” bag would sacrifice the volume/capacity of the bag. I can only assume they are making it shorter to accommodate a shorter top tube. But we’ll see how it goes and I’ll make sure to report on it.