Training to be slower

For most of you riders out there, you train to get faster. But for, we believe that faster isn’t always better. It’s actually pretty over rated. So we make sure we stay slow and we’ve even devised a training regimen to make us slower.

The first thing you do is to not put too much effort in riding. If you’re too tired to ride, then stay in bed! If you’re stuck in traffic and you’re on your way to the trail, you might as well get a donut while you’re at it, you’re already late.

When training to be slower, it helps that you have a trainer/motivator with you to remind you of the ways of the slow. With that in mind, we requested The Moe to come out and be our inspiration.

Here’s The Moe showing us that it’s all about how you look on the bike, not how fast you can go on the bike. Obviously The Moe looks fantastic!

This training ride was super difficult for Priscilla. She couldn’t keep up with our slowness. The Moe actually calls this pace “Moe-Lasses”

I was thinking about which burrito did I want for dinner…carne asada or the carnitas….

After about 8 miles of riding, we headed back to the car. Funny thing about this photo, the parking lot is pretty much empty and when we got back this white car parked right next to us…He parked so close to The Moe, that he had a tough time loading his bike on the roof rack.

RL, Priscilla and The Moe at Wahoo’s. The best way to slow yourself down on a bike its to make sure your belly is filled with food.

Did you know that The Moe and I have been riding bikes together for the last 8 years? Guess what, I think we’re slower now than we ever have been!

So if you want to train to be slower, just invite any of the staffers to join you. If you’d like personal slow training, then hit up Moe and he’d only charge you for beer and a burrito!