“What?” you say, “are you talking about”, Smud, what’s a Smud. Let me tell you. Being the semi weight weenie that I am, I have been looking for a lighter seatpost for my Trek fuel ex. Until now I have been unable to find one that satisfied my requirements, that being light weight and reasonably priced. My biggest problem was the size requirement, I needed a 40.0!


While cruising my daily bike and auto forums, I came across a thread about something I don’t remember. It all ended good as Smud-Carbon, out of Poland, had posted and I reached out to them. Their website,, does not have much but what it does has is tasty good. I e-mailed them about making me a carbon seatpost clamp with titanium bolt to my size requirements, they responded and a few weeks later, I had it. Fits perfectly and holds my post! Enjoy the pics.

Old versus New

Check out their website and shoot them an e-mail. Even though they are a half a world away, excellent customer service! I have e-mailed them about a couple of other items, I’ll let you know how it goes.