Beer Me: Pinkus Organic Munster Alt Review

Just in time for the weekend, Justin Beerit reviews an Organic Beer! This one is for the tree huggers.

Beer: Organic Münster Alt
Style: Altbier
Size: 16.9 oz. bottle
Brewer: Pinkus Brewery
Alcohol content: 5.1%

I found the Pinkus Organic Munster Alt whilst browsing through the liquor store and thought, “Well, I like altbiers and I’m all for organic, so let’s give it a shot.”

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I put the Pinkus in the fridge and let it get good and cold. I poured it into a glass and took a gander. It was a beautiful golden color. Not much of a head, with very little if any lacing. Still, the color was beautiful if a bit different than most in the altbier variety.

The first whiff was malty. That raw doughiness, that earthiness that malt provides. Pleasant. Some citrus notes, lemony. Second whiff I could catch what little hops were there. It was all malt.

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I took a sip. First thing I notice is the carbonation. It bites the tongue, but not in an unpleasant way. Then the malty character hits hard. Is that a little honey? Yeah, a little. It’s delicious. Another sip. The hops are mild. I don’t find too much to dislike about this. I take another sip. Then a gulp. Yeah, this is pretty good stuff.

The mouthfeel is crisp. The finish is dry. The carbonation makes your taste buds stand up and applaud. Very refreshing. If it were like, oh, say, 90 degrees outside and you happen to find yourself next to a cooler of these you could do worse.

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The drinkability is up there with the best of beers. The refreshing finish, light flavor and low alcohol content add up for a great day at the beach or at the bottom of a great day biking. This beer comes highly recommended.

Category Ratings:

A: 4.5 Beautiful golden color.
S: 4 Doughy, malty. Lemony.
T: 4.5 Malty, touch of honey, balanced hop character.
M: 4.5 Perfect carbonation. Not too thin. Dry, crisp finish.
D: 5 Eminently drinkable.

Overall Rating:
4.5 Mtnbikeriders (out of 5)