Don’t laugh, howerever, my butthole hurts…

Get your dirty minds out of the gutter…Let me explain. I’ve been riding my spin bike at home more lately and even though I wear cycling shorts while spinning, my butt hole gets pretty raw from all the friction. HEY! Stop GIGGLING! I’m being serious here! To provide some comfort to my pooper, I’ve used 2 products.

The first one is Okole Stuff. A little dab will do ya!

The other is Udderly Smooth.

So what I’ve been doing is taking a little dollop of one or the other and apply it on my brown eye. Yah, don’t be shy to get it all over it. Having either the Okole Stuff or Udderly smooth has helped my butt hole feel way better! I probably should have changed that title to “My butt hole used to hurt.”

Well what are you waiting for? Get some of the stuff and stop that butt hole pain today!