
XtreaMP3 The Ultimate Sensory Experience

Take your music anywhere with the durable and completely submergible XtreaMP3 player. The shockresistant and skip-free MP3 player plays up to 240 songs (1GB memory) in high-quality surround sound. The small XtreaMP3 player attaches to a comfortable neoprene arm strap, allowing you to enjoy your favorite music hands free. Specialized waterproof earbuds secure tightly, making for clear listening in any extreme environment. The player is USB compatible and completely waterproof up to depths of 15 feet (4.5m).

I was tasked with putting this XtreaMp3 player though its paces. So far so good, I worked in the metal shop, rode the SS hard, and even went swimming with the XtreaMP3- (what a trip listening to music while swimming).

I have to admit I was skeptical if the XtreaMP3 would work in the water, it did and still does. Growing up around the water I have ruined many electronic devices, incredibly this still works. Many of my friends say I am hard on products some failing totally or giving up the Ghost slowly. The XtreaMP3 will be given the Animal Proof seal of approval, because of ease of use, durability, and function.

The easy to load MP3 is very simple, hook it up to your PC via USB cable plug hidden the back side of unit, wait for it to pop up on the screen, then select your favorite music, copy, drag, drop, load, and enjoy music in the harshest conditions. Leave the XtreaMP3 hooked up to a charging USB port and it will charge the internal battery.

For the durability rating in the world of MP’s it is great for Mountain Biking because it is water proof , and fumble resistant being attached to your arm, those very virtues will help keep music in your ears.