OTH Series: The Polish Hammer working hard at this week’s race.

Who ever said that racing was supposed to be fun? Apparently, it is! Check out Mark Tomas’ race report from last week’s Over The Hump Series.”

Tuesday August 3rd, I headed out to Irvine Lake to take part in race #8 of the Over The Hump Series. I arrived with enough time to pre ride the course, which was the same as the week before, just backwards. This made things interesting with a 30 yard hike a bike in deep sand, and a some super steep short climbs. Also Cannondale was on hand with bikes for demo. Crank Brothers had a display of all kinds off goodies, SDG had a bunch of saddles to look at, and there were also some local shops offering help to any racer that needed a hand.

Before the start, Hans Ray shared a bit about what he is doing to bring bikes to parts of the world that need them. Also Tinker Juarez was out to show everyone how is done. When the horn sounded, I got a good start. When we got to the first climb, I down shifted, and dropped my chain. Six guys flew by as I got it back on. This was my story for the rest of the race.

I lost my chain 4 times in 2 laps! I was a little frustrated, but determined to finish. I put my head down and grinded out the last lap. When it was all over I ended up 14th of 28, in the Sport 30-39 class. Wasn’t my best finish, but I had a great time!

Here are pictures from the event.

Crank Bros were on the scene with new CB stuff.

Cannondale demos available.

Pretty Turner on display

OTH presented by Verizon Wireless