Over The Hump Series Final by Mark “The Polish” Hammer Tomas

Editorial by RL Policar-Rumors have it that he likes to throw hammers at your spokes during a race. He’s also been known to get tattoos because they feel good, he IS, Mark “THE POLISH HAMMER” Tomas!

This past Tuesday was the final race for the 2010 Over The Hump Series at Irvine Lake. The weather was awesome, and so was the turnout, with 375 racers! Even the pro class was big, with Sid Taberlay, Tinker Juarez, and Dana Weber to name a few. After a quick pre ride, we staged up. I’m racing Sport class ages 30-39, this group alone had 35 racers. Its hard to believe this a weeknight event.

At the sound of the horn it was a mad sprint to the first climb. I held back a little, trying to remind myself we are doing 3 laps, at 4.4 miles each. The course was great, I enjoy it more every time I ride it. By the beginning of the second lap,the front of the pack is barley in sight. I was part of a second group, battling on the climbs, and drafting each other on the flats. By the end of the 3rd lap, I was drained. Once the results were posted, I placed 12th of 35. With a course time of 1 hour 33 seconds.

There were 12 races this year for the Over The Hump Series. I participated in 3 of them, which placed me 34th of 115 in my class.

I must say hats off the the crew that put on this series! It is very impressive how smooth things run. I will be marking my calendar for next year. Special thanks to Chuck for the photos, and support. Next up Socal Triple Crown!