Are you sentimental?

Over the years I’ve collected a bunch of bicycles and have bought enough parts and accessories to run my own bicycle shop. But out of all the things I own, there’s one thing that I’ve refused to get rid of, and that would be my Gary Fisher Tarpon Frame, seen below.

The Tarpon or as Moe likes to call it, the Crap-on or Tampon, was my first mountain bike that I owned as an adult. There’s something about it that makes me want to keep it. After I bought my first full suspension bike, I gave the Tarpon to Priscilla. Then once we got her a new bike, it then went to my brother. But after a few years, I kinda missed the thing. So I gave my brother a different bike in exchange for the Tarpon. Anyhow, I’ve had the Tarpon for about 9 years now and its currently hanging on a hook in my garage waiting for the next project.

But I’m sure there are a few of you that have similar stories of items you refuse to give up. I’m curious to know what it is. Could it be a frame, wheelset, grips, saddle…who knows. Tell us what you won’t sell or throw away.