Great Last Minute (Inexpensive) Gift Ideas for Mountain Bikers!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand those luxury car commercials during the holidays. You know which one I’m talking about right? The kind that has some douche showing his wife her new car with a big red bow….and then she reacts all crazy. C’mon…not only do those commercials make me feel poor, but it reminds me that my Hyundai ain’t no luxury car either.

So now I gotta think of ways to top those stupid commercials. Lucky for me, the Mrs. is a mountain biker. So below are somethings that I could easily recommend as part of a LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEA GUIDE. Any mountain biker would appreciate them, I know I would!

Sette Reken Frame, at $74.98, its a deal. Besides, everyone needs a hard tail for a back up bike!

EVOMO Clothing-Prices start @ $5.00. I actually own a couple of their jackets, shirts and hats…LOVE this stuff.

20% OFF All Evomo brand products; hats, shirts, jackets, etc. Also
Includes Sockguy socks, Tifosi sunglasses and Voncooper DVD products
as well. Excludes jerseys and watches. Can not be combined with
other discounts or offers or sponsorship discounts.

Coupon Code:

SRAM PC-951 Chain w/ Powerlink Gold 2010- $15.98. Between Priscilla and I, we each go through a chain just about every year. Besides, with various bike projects we have going on with the site, this makes for a great present.

Bell Faction Helmet-$6.50!!!!That’s a deal on itself! Get 10 of those and give them away to your nephews, nieces or to anyone that rides a bike.

Last but not least, the Spenco Cold Snap Gloves. It’s winter time! These would be a big hit for any mountain biker that rides in the cold. Priscilla and I can certainly attest to their quality and ability to keep my hands warm. No more numb fingers when trying to shift or brake! Now available @ JensonUSA for $39.99.

If you order now, you’ll still get these items by next week…plenty of time before Christmas! No need to thank me, It’s why I’m here….