Did you know that women dig a man that works out?
Based on some scientific research I did, 90% of ALL women questioned stated that they are not opposed to their husband/boyfriend working out. In fact, the women surveyed said that they are more impressed with their man if he did some sort of physical activity.
So what does this mean to you? Well…if you’re wife/girlfriend is the kind that hates it when you go mountain biking with your buddies, just explain to her that you’re going to “work out.”
ugh…I’m way out of shape right now. Gotta hit the trails more often.
Women definitely like men who works out because they feel that these guys are trying their best to get their attention. I totally agree that if your girlfriend or your wife asks you where would you be going (especially if you’re biking with your friends), it would be best to tell her that you’re going to work out. It’ll surely impress her! 🙂