Hey 10 Speed!

One of our riding buddies recently seen me riding my Soma Double Cross on the trail. But what makes this bike stand out on the trail is that it has full Bontrager Fenders. I had reviewed them a few months ago on BikeCommuters.com and since I kinda like the way they look so I just kept them on.

As I got ready for the ride, my buddy Cons says…”Hey! A 10speed!!!” I tried to explain to him that it was a cyclocross bike and yada yada yada…but Cons wasn’t hearing any of it. Since then he keeps referring to my Soma as the “10 speed.”

The Soma has become one of my favorite bikes to ride on mountain bike trails. Its fast and proven to be VERY durable. Beside I love how the fenders look, makes people think I’m going to be slow on it…but boy are they wrong when they see me go a tad faster than slow, I guess you could say with this bike, I’m “not that slow.”

Fenders keep my bike and my back free from dirt! Perhaps you should get fenders on your bike!?!