Beer, your next recovery drink

This ARTICLE states that beer is good for athletes…

beverage as an isotonic, vitamin-rich, no-additive beverage with natural regenerative powers that help athletes recover from a workout.


Beer-Recovery actually works! In fact I have a friend that swears that beer works for both during and post workouts. He claimed that drinking during his workout helped him make some massive gains. After his workouts, he would then drink more beer, he said there was something about it that helped him get bigger and recover faster. Though I never saw him when he was practicing beer-recovery, his wife vouches for his weight training regimen. According to her, he was “HUGE” while making a buff guy pose with her arms. She went on about how he was so muscular…at that point she he speech was fading as she went into a daze. She was obviously day dreaming of her husband when he was buff.

Anyhow, the DH Dept of the race team decided to try out beer-recovery. Team Racer, provided each of us a St. Pauli Girl Special Dark right after our race runs. Surprisingly, beer-recovery worked after a tough downhill race! Usually my legs are blown out the following day. I can barely walk, and will remain sore for a few days after a race. But as of this writing, Monday 3pm, I can sincerely say that I do not have any soreness in my legs! Crazy…

There might be some legitimacy to this beer-recovery…try it out and let us know how it works for you!