Neil Adams-Man of Action

Meet Neil Adams, long time friend of He’s also some sort of big shot sales manager for SixSixOne. This is Neil lining up for the XC race at Southridge this past weekend. Check out all the pink! Funny thing is, Neil and I geek out over the same style of clothing and odditees of biking such as Unicorns, socks, pinks and donuts….yes donuts.

Here’s what I mean by donuts. As I was sitting in the feed zone waiting for Dan Burdett to come around, Tracy (Neil’s wife) and one of their friends were joking about handing Neil a donut as he passes by. I didn’t think they were serious until I saw the box. Sure enough as Neil rounded the corner, their friend, who’s arm you’ll see in the picture sticks sticks out his hand and is holding a donut! I quickly snapped photos to document this badassery feedzone move. I was impressed and I know you will be too. Scheckitout!

Click on image for larger photo.
Neil Adams

Look how happy and refreshed he is after that awesome feedzone handoff.
Southridge #4 2011