Shimano Winter Series 2011, #4

This past weekend the Downhill Department of the Race team was in attendance for race # 4 of the Shimano Winter Series hosted at Southridge, Ca. (phew, that was a mouthful). This was a fun race to be at because days before the event, southern California had received a good amount of rain. This left the race course nice and tacky! Rather than boring you with a play by play of my race run (much like I have in my previous reports), I just want to share pictures that made this weekend super fun.

This is Corey Pond, newest racer on the team. Corey is one fast rider. He races in the Expert Category and is always coming in the top 30 (inside joke).
SRC # 4 DH 2011

Art “Speed Racer” Aguilar is somewhat like our DH “titser.” Art has taken on a role within our team to help us lowly beginners do better on our race runs.
SRC # 4 DH 2011

Remember how I was talking about the fun part of the race. Well here it is. After Corey and Art finished their race runs, they headed back up the course to cheer Wes and I on. Funny part about this, I remember hearing Art yelling as loud as he can and I do recall seeing Corey doing the little dance you see in the picture. That right there helped me chuckle a bit and I ended up having a bit more fun during my run.
SRC # 4 DH 2011

Here’s a shot of Wes coming through, check out Art blowing kisses…that’s classic! Corey must have polished off a few bottles of beer before we came through…look at the empty bottle in his hand…haha
SRC # 4 DH 2011

The end result for the DH Dept: Corey Pond placed 13th in Expert Men 19-26, Art Aguilar placed 9th in Expert Men 43-50. RL Policar placed 5th in Beg 27-34, Wesley Castro placed 4th Beg Men 35-42.

RL 5th place. Check out the socks!
SRC # 4 DH 2011

Wes 4th place.
SRC # 4 DH 2011

Next stop, the Winter Series Finals!