Art Aguilar’s new moniker

Within the Race Team, we have given each other nicknames based on characteristics that person has. So when it was time to give Art Aguilar a nickname, we felt that YODA fits the bill just right.

Let me explain why we chose that name. For one, Art and Yoda are about the same height.

Secondly, Art has unofficially become our DH trainer. Since Art has been racing the longest out of any of us, he’s got a ton of experience when it comes to bike handling, reading the trail and picking the proper lines. Here’s a great example of what I’m talking about. Before Joe’s race run at Sea Otter, Art shows Joe how to handle an off camber section of the turn. “Hmm. Control, control. You must learn control.”-Art
So if you ever meet Art or see him at a race, feel free to call him Yoda, he actually likes it!