Sea Otter Highlights
Here are a few of the cool, new and otherwise blingy things that caught my attention at Sea Otter this year.
Purely custom had their take on a bashguard. The bashgaurd is covered in a with a rubber/silicone type edge. Not only it this piece support to protect your chain-ring from hits, but also as demonstrated in the picture it is designed to give a little grip or traction on your way over the big rocks.
For those of you out there who are interested in or already using a belt drive from Gates, there is a new system coming down the pipeline. This new belt is a center-track system. According to their rep, the system is supposed to stay in alignment better and at a lower tension on the hub. As you can see in the pic, the cog has a center ridge to keep the belt aligned and the belt has a matching groove.
DT has release new internals for their hubs to increase the engagement from 20% to 30%. As a fan of high engagement hubs, I found this to be of interest. Art already mentioned in his post about their release of the Tricon wheels in the 29″ variety.
On Saturday Master Yoda (Art) and I went over to the DH course to watch Joe race and got to watch some of the other racers as well.
Project 321 had some really blingy parts on display. They had their own hubs with Industry9 internals, and can custom finish parts in a large variety of colors. The they had gold finished set of stan’s rim with matching gold hubs on display.
Renovo had some cool looking wood bike as well. I don’t know how they rode, but they definitely looked good.

Wood frames!