Memorial Day Ride 2011

Much like most of you folks, we took advantage of the holiday and got some riding in. But before I go on, I would like to thank the men and women, past, preset, and future who have served this great country we live in. Thank you for all the hard work and sacrifice that you all have done.

On this holiday ride, we decided to enjoy the trails of Aliso Woods in Southern California. This is one of our favorite local destinations because it provides something for every skill level. From fire roads to downhill trails, Aliso Woods has it all.

We were joined by some of the guys on the race team, Dan Burdett, Corey Pond, Priscilla Policar, Yours Truly, and Art Aguilar. We were also in for a treat because one of our favorite Chinese people, Jeremy Yang was in attendance. The last time Jeremy and I rode together was just about a year ago, it was right before his Jet9 got stolen. Though, he and I only live minutes away from each other, our busy family lives have prevented us from doing too many group rides…DARN KIDS, always cramping my style! Anyhow, Team Medic, Doctor Thunda was there on hand to make sure that we were all medically safe. Khoa Nguyen, Team IT Administrator was also there just to make sure none of our technological equipment had any problems.
As we worked our way up Woods Canyon, Priscilla lead the faster group.
Priscilla @ Aliso

This is Charles, he has magical Asian hair. I was super jealous of his long dark locks. But then again, in order for me to grow hair longer than 2″, I’d need a some major doses of Rogaine.
Charles @ Alis

My Daughter and I rocked the trail on our tandem.
Tandem @ Aliso

We ended up doing a short ride because we had to hurry on over to the Original Pancake House for Breakfast. Holy Smokes! Have you ever eaten there? This was a first for many of us, but Dan Burdett goes there at least 3 times a week. He says their food is his secret training weapon.

Here’s a glimpse of how intimate our team can be. Corey and I LOVE to feed each other. Let’s just hope this photo doesn’t surface when either of us are looking for a new job and the potential employer decides to Google our names.