My Visit to KHS Bicycles

Just today I went over the the USA HQ of KHS Bicycles. I had contacted one of our good friends, Vince Calvillo regarding an issue that I had with Priscilla’s KHS XC 604. I noticed a bit of play in the rear triangle and asked if Vince could take a look at it. Fortunately I had an appointment in Los Angeles which allowed me to drive right by the KHS office.
KHS Visit 2011
Once I got there, Vince introduces me to Mike Kaelon, who handles Rockshox Service, as well as Quality Control and Research/Development for KHS Bicycles. I gave Mike a run down on the bike and right away he mounts it onto the repair stand. Between he and Vince, they quickly find the problem and start working on the fix.
KHS Visit 2011
While the guys were figgiting with the bike, I couldn’t help but notice how organized Mike’s work area was. Check out the peg board with all the tools…I can only dream of having my stuff be that clean and tidy…
KHS Visit 2011

The rocker arm received a make-over with some fresh bushings.
KHS Visit 2011

Mike noticed that the pivot bearing on the Horst Link wasn’t pressed in the way he would have liked it. So he busted out a socket, bolt, some sort of part and a nut to use as a bearing press. Pretty clever if you ask me!
KHS Visit 2011

After it was all said and done, Priscilla’s KHS XC 604 received a suspension linkage tune up, front and rear derailleur adjustment and some much needed attention through out the whole bike. I’d like to thank Vince Calvillo and Mike Kaelon for all their help. You guys rock!
KHS Visit 2011