Race Report – Knobby Time Round #2

June 23rd was round two of The Knobby Time Series. I had heard from some friends that the course changed a bit from the previous week. They took out the rocky decent. This also removed a short steep climb. By doing this the course was shorted, and had a little less climbing. A riding bubby of mine, Chuck, came out to race too. We geared up and pre-rode the new part of the course. Bonelli is a place we ride a lot, including the trails that are part of this series.

At the starting line, I noticed a few guys in my class that were not here for the first race. When our class left the start, three racers went out strong. I was riding in fourth for the long paved section. When we made the turn to dirt, I made the move to third. The guys in first and second were still setting a fast pace. Down the singletrack and over the two wooden bridges we went. We hit a steep climb on the back section and I moved up to second place. I was on the wheel of the first place racer. As we wound through the twisty singletrack, he was starting to slow a little. I know I could push harder. I called out “passing on your left” as I normally do, I started to make my move, and he moved over and blocked me. I asked “whats up man?”. He asked “what class are you?” I said “same as you”. He said “I’m not going to let you pass then.” At first I was a little ticked. But knew I could pass as soon as the course opened up. I chilled behind him, and was able to rest for a minute. When we crested the climb and he moved over. I made the pass and moved ahead. The second half of lap one was smooth, I was able to put about 20 seconds between me and second place.


I hit the paved section again, with no one to draft, I tucked and spun hard. I settled into a good rhythm on lap two. Coming down one if the trails I shift up and drop my chain over to the outside of the crankset. I pull over and jump off, It goes back on pretty easy. I know I’m loosing time, I hop on and get going. Only a few minutes later, I down shift up front, and drop the chain between the crank and the frame. Its jammed in there good, and takes me a while to get it back on. Meanwhile, a few riders from other classes pass by. I get moving again, and have to make some passes to get back to where I was.


Going into lap three I feel good. I know I still have a little lead on the others. I start to hit traffic on some of singletrack from the other classes. I am careful when I shift, trying to keep the chain on. I hit the last climb and I’m feeling the effects of the bight sun and high temps. I hear some friends, RL and Alberto cheering me on. It gives me the boost I need to pedal hard to the finish line.


I cross the line drained! The guys from Sram have cooler full of Gatorade for the racers. Big thanks to them! Results showed I finished a little over a minute ahead of second.


Even though I had some chain issues, it was a good race. Looking forward to the final round. Thanks to everyone that came out for the support.