Dear Mountain Bike Brake Pad Maker…

HI there,

My name is RL Policar, I’m a super cool, very handsome mountain biker. I was wondering if you could explain something to me, WHY IN THE WORLD ARE BICYCLE DISC BRAKE PADS SO EXPENSIVE!?! Each pad set usually runs between $20-$40 dollars depending on the brake system. But what I don’t get is how you can charge so much for pads that are a fraction of the size of automotive brake pads. Have you ever seen how thick brake pads are for cars? Just look at the photo below, see how much more “pad” you get for your car, and here’s the killer part. A set of brake pads for my car only cost me $25 for a set and this means both front wheels, not like bike pads in which you pay the same amount for 1 wheel! That’s right…ONE WHEEL!
brake parts

I know we all need brake pads for our bikes, but why do they have to be so expensive? I’m wondering if they are made with unicorn hair or baby tears, better yet, are they made out of unobtanium?

Thanks for your time,

RL Policar!