Mountain Biking Cheaper Than a Sports Car During a Mid-Life Crisis

So Priscilla says I’ve started my journey though something called a”mid-life crisis.” To a certain point I sorta agree with her. But I always thought that a mid-life was something older guys (older than me-I’m only 34) go through by trying to relive their youth via a sports car, clothing, and other means to peacock.

Well I certainly cannot afford a sports car, but I do like to peacock with what I wear. Yes I am guilty of wearing…gaudy is too harsh of a word, but I would say that my choice of clothing best describes my personality, kinda quirky. Just take for example my jersey and eye wear choices, the pink tuxedo has become my favorite jersey of all time. It says, “I’m confident on who I am and I look good while I’m riding.” Oh ya, my white glasses, love it, but the Mrs, hates it!

But now that I came out with the new EVEL jersey, I think this one might just be my next favorite.
evel combo

Going back to my point about a mid life. I guess if I really think about it, I’d rather be knee deep into the so called crisis as a mountain biker. For one its cheaper, and healthier for my body, plus I can wear super loud clothing and its totally acceptable! Perhaps the next thing I’ll do is get some trendy tattoo and a flat bill fitted hat.