Crazy Socks and Cupcakes

Wednesday was Priscilla’s Crazy Sock Birthday Ride. We gathered the usual suspects, minus Doc Thunda, he said something about having to go to Laguna Beach to get custom fitted for skinny jeans. Anyhow, the point of having a Crazy Sock ride is to wear CRAZY SOCKS! Well I have some good news, the crew showed up in their best rendition of crazy socks!

Nick and Megan sporting Christmas socks.

These sexy legs belong to Moe and Dan.

Priscilla and yours truly. Yes those are Ninjas on Priscilla’s socks. I know right…super cool!

One of the things we love about riding at night is that it makes a familiar trail feel so foreign. Moe once said, “I like riding at night because it kinda reminds me of the time when I touched myself with my non-dominant hand and it felt like a stranger was doing it…” Um…ya I guess that would be the best way to describe riding at night.

This was pretty much our view of the night. Dan Burdett rides as if he had way too many Redbulls. The guy has non-stop energy!

Megan and Priscilla. Notice Priscilla and Asian peace sign for the photo. We deemed that was appropriate due to the socks she was wearing. See above for sock photo.

After our brisk ride, we decided to get some grub at a local bar called Roscoe’s. Funny almost every ride we go on, we end up eating at Wahoo’s and Doc Thunda is always complaining that he wants to go to Roscoe’s instead. So the night we go, he doesn’t even show up….

The birthday girl with a cup cake that my kids and I made.

I’d like to close out with this photo. Khoa was showing of his newest toy for his “chick-magnet”, the new iPhone 4s. He recently got this UBER expensive fish-eye lens for his phone and said that it was so expensive that it cost more than a carbon fiber snowboard. But that’s how he rolls, and and by the way, ladies, he’s totally single! Plus he’s a home owner with no debt and has a stable career. So if you’re interested in his contact info, just let us know by leaving a comment below. What you see is a photo that he took with his new fandangled fish eye lens. This photo now looks expensive!

Well that was about it for our Crazy Sock Ride. We had a great time as usual and always love the company we keep when we go on these fun stress relieving rides. By the way, Happy Birthday to Priscilla, the woman of my dreams. She’s always been a huge supporter for and has allowed me to do what I do for the sites without complaining. She is also my favorite riding partner!