Southridge Racing Company-Awards Banquet

This past Sunday the crew attended the SRC 2011 Awards Banquet. This event tallied all the points we accumulated through out the season and based on it, some of us received awards.

Let’s start start with Stacey “Got it going on” Stone, he took 5th in 4x.

Artie “The one man DH Party” Aguilar takes 5th in Expert DH.

Dan Burdett (not pictured) takes 2nd in Single Speed.

Yours truly placed 3rd in Beginner Men 27-34 DH.

Last not but certainly not least, Wes Castro takes home a Championship in Beginner Men 35-42 Men. Check out his new Championship Jersey, way to go Wes!

The Moe joined us for the banquet, but quickly left in his limo because he was on his way to Japan to help develop a new type of drinking straw that works on both ends.

Art Aguilar has an article in the works in which he’ll talk more in detail about our racing season in 2011. You’ll be surprised at some of the facts he’ll be coming out with. So for now, I’d like to bid all the guys on the team a great job!