2012 MtnBikeRiders.com Race Team Roster

Nickolaus DiBlasi
BMX Cruiser Age 26-30
Beginner 4X – Ages 18+
Beginner Super D – Ages 18+
Mens Beginner 2 XC – Age 30-39

Racing allows me to physically and mentally challenge myself. This helps push me further and faster in all aspects of life. Every race and ride poses new difficulties to overcome while honing my skills. The uncertainty along with adrenaline makes every race an adventure. I got on my first mountain bike in March 2011 and have been hooked ever since. Since that point I have raced BMX, 4X, Super D, and Cross Country MTB. I am looking forward to 2012 to further my skills and take on some downhill. The team has been very supportive and have really allowed me to grow as a rider.

Nick Diblasi 1

Jerry Hazard

Sea Otter Classic DH
13th Cat 2 40+
Mountain States Cup #4 Chile Challenge – Angelfire New Mexico
1st Cat 3 (due to mix up, had to race cat 3 – my time would have netted me
a 4th in CAT 2)
Mountain States Cup #6 Full Tilt – Telluride CO
DNF – flatted before a launch, resulted in catostrophic crash
Fall Tilt in Telluride 12 hour Endurance Downhill
Oct 1, 2011 – 1st place, SOLO Amateur Open category. 5 laps ahead of 2nd place.

I like racing mostly because I love riding. The drive to push my limits of speed and technical ability finds a home with racing. I dig the competitive nature of course, but also appreciate the brotherhood among racers – everybody is of course out to the best they can for themselves and their team, but we cheer each other on too, hoping each rider can ride to the best of their ability on a given day. I love the adrenaline, I love the feeling of hitting a drop I’ve never hit before at speed, and dialing in new turns and lines, and putting it all together – and holding it together – for 3-5 minutes at time. Being part of a team is important to me as well, it inspires me to ride better, and at the same time – I hope that I can inspire others to ride and push themselves beyond.

jerry hazard

Bryan Doney
7th place (Beginner Men 16-18)
Time 1 00:02:36.35
Time 2 00:02:38.25
Total 00:05:14.60

I have only done one race thus far in 2011, but already I love it, for me it just evokes such a great feeling whether I am in first place or last place. Especially when I pull a great run. Also, it’s cool just to see the rest of the biking community come out and get the chance to meet new people and talk to them about anything and just have a good time. But, when it comes down to it and I am at the starting gate just the culmination of adrenalin, nervousness, sunshine, and what not just gives me one of the most unique feelings that I don’t think I’d be able to get anywhere else. And really a trophy or medal is always nice, but just getting the chance to be there and experience it is what makes it all worth it and what makes it just an unforgettable experience.

Bryan Doney

Stacey Stone

First overall 18 & over Men’s 4 Cross Beginner at Southridge USA Predator Night Series with Two First place, One Second place. 4th place in my first Super D race.

I’m a 45 years old, 4 Cross, Super D, Downhill and BMX.Started racing BMX in 1979. Advanced to Expert while riding with the top National rider in my weekly racing.

Stacey Stone 1

Mark Tomas

Class- Cat 2
Discipline- XC, and Single Speed
2009 Sc Velo Triple Crown Series – 1st Overall ( Cat3 )
2010 Sc Velo Triple Crown Series – 5th Overall ( Cat2 )
2011 Southridge Winter Series Race 5 – 1st ( SingleSpeed )
2011 Knobby Time Series – 1st Overall ( Cat2 )

I race for the fun of it. I enjoy challenging myself on and of the course. Weather its training with my
friends or giving all I got at the race, simply put, I just like to ride.


Dan Burdett
-Cat 2/3
-Discipline: XC/SS, SD
-Southridge Winter Series: First Overall
-Over the Hump: 12th Overall (missed a few races & was short for overalls)
-SC Velo’s Triple Crown Fall Series: 4th Overall (Currently, one race remaining)

I like to go fast. But seriously, I enjoy the competition and challenge of racing. It pushes you to find your limits while daring you to see how far past what you thought were your limits how far/hard/long you are actually able to go. It brings your weakness to light and shows you where you need to work and improve.

Dan Burdett 2

Corey Pond
Expert 19-26

For BIO on Corey Pond, please view this PAGE.

Corey Pond 1

Wes Castro
2011 SRC Overall Champion DH

I race because there’s beer waiting for me at the finish line.


Art Aguilar
Expert 43-50
DISCIPLINE: Downhill, Dual Slalom, Cyclocross P/T DISCIPLINES: XC, Super-D
Best for 2011:
SRC – 5th Overall Yr.
Cal-State series- 4th Overall
Marzocchi Predators series- 5th Overall
Fontana Nationals- 5th place

I have been racing Downhill since 1997 and I have seen the sport grow and wither, but in all I have never wanted to stop what I do for a couple of reasons, one it’s the people I have met alone the way and the people I meet now. There are no fake people I have ever met on this journey. We all like what we’re doing weather were racing or on a trail ride. Number two is the racing, the thrill of pushing your bike and yourself over any course. I like the feel of the drive and the passion of racing. This is the reason I have done it for so long.

Art Aguilar 2

RL Policar

Sport DH 27-34
2009 SRC Downhill Champion
2010 Fontana City National
2011 Shimano Winter Series-3rd, and 5th Place
2011 SRC 3rd Place Over All DH

I love riding bikes and racing for MtnBikeRiders.com just makes it even more exciting. I typically go out to the races to have fun, and if I get an award for doing well, then that’s just icing on the cake! Our team is made up of an excellent group of guys who have the same mindset and core values. I’m a bit of a fashion bug when it comes to racing. I like to show up at the races with any number of my MtnBikeRiders.com jerseys, it could be my tuxedos, Evel, RAD Racing or my team issued. I figured, if I’m going to race, I might was well look good while I’m doing it!
