The morning air was crisp, the sun out , and the course for the pro/expert, and sport/beg was definitely one of the fastest to date. It saw the likes of World Cup champ Aaron Gwin come out and kill it with ease, we also saw what could happen on the other end when thing go terribly wrong for a racer.

Two races met with bad lucky that stopped the race cold for all, the first with the last pro on the course and while doing his run down he hit hard on a boulder, then the unexpected happened,  while trying to stop his fall he accidentally pulled the boulder down on himself temporally trapping him under it. The other happened near the same area with the rider breaking his leg badly. In the end both rider are fine and will recover. AIRBORNE RANGERS PUSH TO THE FRONT

“ROLL CALL!” Corey Pond, Wes Castro, Bryan Doney, Dan Burdett, and myself showed up at Southridge USA for the downhill on Sunday, we started out with morning practice and we all seemed pretty good after we were done. It was time to do the deed.

I won’t go into great detail about the course, but I would say that compared to the last few races the conditions were great, even as the last of the beginners came down there were no heavy winds and the sun was out, but what about us, well we did great.



All five of us pulled off top ten finishes. Corey Pond hit the course first with a time of  2:25:77 for 6th,  Wes Castro pulled off a 2:33:67 for 6th, Bryan Doney came in 7th with a time of  2:35:95, Dan Burdett had a great weekend taking 2nd in the Super-D on Saturday, but what was cool about Sunday for Dan was it was his first downhill race ever and how did he do,” GREAT!” 6th  place with a time of 2:38:73. Not bad for his first time on a DH bike. I had a great run taking 2nd place with a four second gap between me and 3rd place.
“Way to go team and AIRBORNE BICYCLES!!”




Thanks to all our sponsors!

Photo courtesy:

Mike lord, ISP, Incline Photography,