Happy Anniversary to MtnBikeRiders.com

Yep its true, we’ve been around for 5 years! Woohoo! We would like to thank all of you loyal readers who have made it possible for us to be here for so long. So with that being said, we thought we’d throw a party, but that would be too expensive and besides they stopped making our favorite alcoholic beverage, Zima and everyone knows that a party isn’t a PARTY without some ZIMA! Since the party is out of the question, I’ve decided to come out with a 5 year anniversary MtnBikeRiders.com. This one is a new design and new pattern. It’s a v-neck with 3/4 sleeves. This jersey will be perfect for DH, Super D, XC, BMX, Cow Tipping, and flashing your gut to old women.
Mtn Bike Rider 5 revised

We’re taking pre-orders for this jersey. $40 shipped (US Only).

Send a Paypal payment to [email protected] for $40 with your shipping and sizing info. The jerseys will be shipping out by mid-late March!