Pressure, we all go through it in life one way or another while growing up, in school, at work,  life, and many other things, but there is nothing like the pressure you go through while competing in a sport of any kind. You could be the little guy with all the odds stacked against you with no way to come out on top or you could be the guy that gets it all. No matter which person you are the pressure is always great to do good or great, even to finish your first race in one piece. For we let the pressure control us at the heat of the moment. Now here lie the key. Not just the key to success, but the key to your own success in what you do at that given moment. You see the key is to not let pressure control your out come, but to be prepared for what is in your path, a calm mind, sound body, and the clarity that goes with it is the key. When you feel this at that moment in time their will be no pressure.


I raced the last race of the SRC Winter Series this weekend [March 3/4/12] and about a week before a friend of mine texted me to let me know what my position was in the series, 2nd overall with a 5 point spread between the 1st place guy and also a five point spread between me and 3rd, 4th, and 5th down the line. OK I’m not one to fallow these things when it comes down to the wire and I say let the chips fall where they may, but when I am told I’m in a good place in the standing my mind will wonder about the what if’s and try as I may the thoughts will creep in to the back of my mind of all thing that will or could happen. I best shut them out, shut them out completely.
Now as I write this little piece I have to figure on some of my competitor’s will read this and find the chink in my armor, well not to worry I wear Dainese gear and nothing could get through ( smile ).
I’m sure my teammates see me as the guy that never looks worried and for the most part I don’t. I’m calm and cool, but truth be told I do get butterfly’s at times, but this is not the same as pressure. He or she is a totally different beast.  I try to not let pressure show and concentrate on the task at hand.


You best be prepared and as the days crept by I started some training. Mine you I have not trained for a single downhill race since I was racing the late great NORBA NATIONALS from 97′ to 2001. This was really the last time I was serious about racing and I have been amazed that I have been able to do what I have, but still the pressure came knocking and I didn’t want to let him in at all, but like that darned sales guy that comes at dinned time when you just sat down to eat he got his foot in the door and would not go away. Do you admitt defeat, “ahhh.” [shoulders slumped over] “NO!” “NO you don”t”! You push that fool out your door and slam it in his face.

What was the out come. In my mind not being ready enough to keep the pressure away. I didn’t have enough practice time, while playing around on the course with my teammate Bryan Doney I bent my rear derailuer ( added pressure), barely making it up for the last practice run ( The pressure now just hopped on my back for a ride up the stinking hill.), down the course for another failed practice run. It’s mocking me now the pressure,  all this time that big number ONE now seems to be slipping away to me.” NO! NO ! Get it out of my mind, you’ve been here countless times you fool!!
All the time it was gnawing away at the back of my mind, chipping away little by little the pressure. I’m on the start deck the number one is counted down and I go, you hear the faint sounds of your teammate’s and others you may know cheering you on, you hear the cheers as you go through a section fast and clean, you start to relax and you feel the moment of clarity I talked about earlier, the calm mind, the sound body, you see the path and get through the tough parts of the course. You hit the wall at the full pedal and you feel your lungs burn and the legs turning to rubber, but you know the ends not there yet. It’s like a cruel joke in a scary movie. You know the one where the hallway stretches so far away you just know you won’t get away from the killer, man it just sucks and then the finish.


Pressure won this day, but like a worrier eternal you never, never quit. You see it through to the end. the day will always come and when it comes you look forward to the next day. You never let it get you down. See what you could do next time to beat pressure.
It beat me on this day, but I knew how to beat it back I just didn’t on this day.
As you read this story you may have noticed I italicizes the word pressure, I did this for a reason because I wanted to give it a life, make it a living breathing thing.
Pressure will always be a part of us, knocking at the door so to speek. We don’t have to let it in if we don’t want to. Be prepared always and it will never bother you again.

I didn’t do bad ( 7th for the race and 4th overall for the series.) on this weekend, but I knew I could have done better.


Remember never let pressure get you down.

Photos courtesy of RL Policar