I’ve figured how I can become a better rider and possibly move up to PRO status.

So there I was sitting and thinking, “how is it these guys who race PRO are SOOO darn good?” Well I’ve come the conclusion that if I were to ever become as good as they are that I’d have to make riding a full time job. Yep, all I need to do is quit my job, and ride all day. I’ve already figured out my daily schedule.

6am Wake up.

7am Get out of bed.

7:30am Make coffee, have a bowl of Coco Puffs.

8am Ride my bike to the store because we’re out of half and half of the coffee.

8:30 sip my coffee as I watch the birds from my window.

9-11am, SHRED…um…cheese, because my wife is coming home for lunch and she wanted quesadillas.

12-pm Laundry. I’ve got to make sure that my riding clothing is fresh and clean! Besides, the dog pooped on the hallway rug so I have hose that thing off…and the rug.

Take a nap. All this Pro-level training has made me tired.

3:00pm After my 2 hour nap, go pick up the kids from school.

3:30pm bake some cookies for the kid’s snack.

4:00 Ellen is on, so I’ll watch that until its over. I love how she gets everyone in the audience to dance. I dance at home with her!

5:00:pm Start on dinner. I have to cook for 3 meat eaters and 2 vegetarians. You know how hard it is to cook 2 different meals?

6:00pm Drink beer while eating dinner.

7:00pm The Simpsons are on!

8:00pm The Voice is on!

Then I’ll have a Coke and Jim Beam to help me relax from my Pro-Status training.

10:00pm Go to bed…oh well, didn’t get to ride, perhaps tomorrow I’ll get a few miles in between vacuuming and dusting.

Ok ok, so this pro-level thing maybe just a bit harder than I have realized. But I sure do envy those guys who manage to make a career riding bicycles.