Downhilling increase your testosterone levels?

I recently read an article where a study found something interesting….this study showed that a compared the testosterone levels of group of men who drove around in 2 different cars. One was a Toyota Camry and the other was a Convertible Porsche. The study showed that when the men drove the Porsche, their testosterone levels rose. To quote the article;

In other words, just put a guy in a Porsche, and his testosterone levels shoot up, whether people watch or not.

You can read more about it HERE.

That got me thinking, riding a downhill bike is pretty much like driving a Porsche. In a sense, downhill bikes are super exciting to ride, plus you get to go fast! Hmm…could it be that riding a downhill bike would have the same effect on testosterone levels just like how the fancy car did to those men in the study? Who knows, it might! Let me point something out that might help convince you that this is possible (testosterone levels going up), riding and racing downhill takes some balls to do. It really does! Ya I know, you can try and argue with me that riding a XC bike for 50 miles takes balls too, true. But downhill, takes BIGGER BALLS and we all know that the bigger your balls, the more it produces testosterone.

Here’s a perfect example of BIG BALLS. Watch the entirety of this clip, but pay attention near the end, 3:04, you’ll hear my favorite part of the video, “How does Danny Hart sit down with BALLS THAT BIG!?!” Well? Did you hear that? BALLS THAT BIG and Danny Hart was on a downhill bike.

Not sure if you all knew this, but once you hit 35 your testosterone levels start to go down. Rather than spending money on a sports doctor who will put you on testosterone, why not just do downhill? Just look at Team Racer Art Aguilar, he’s 48 YEARS OLD! But his testosterone levels are sky high because he rides downhill!