Beads and Bikes?

Do you guys remember Spoke Beads? For the most part kids would be the ones sporting these beads on their bikes. But it got me thinking, this might be a great idea in helping people hear you on the trail. Just think about it, when you are on the trail, and you come up behind another rider, usually youā€™ll say ā€œon your leftā€ or ring your bell right? What if you installed beads on your bike to help generate noise while riding? Not only will this allow people to hear you, but shoot, it could even scare away some big animals that may be lurking near by.
Another thing to consider with beads is that you can customize the colors to match your bike. For example, if you have a red and black bike with black wheels, then adding red beads would put some flare to it. You can even string the beads onto your saddle or zippers to ad that extra customized look.

Check out this photo below of the ā€œBead Bike.ā€ I canā€™t even imagine how many beads he used. My favorite part about this bike is the detail he put into it. Just look at the center, ā€œThe Bead Bike.ā€ Heck Iā€™m not even sure how he did all that and how long it must have taken him. All I know is, beads can certainly make your bike look unique. I know itā€™s not for everyone, but it sure is different, and if being different is your thingā€¦then try beads!