On the trail repair

While we were at Big Bear during the Memorial Day Holiday, I ended up getting 2 flats in 5 minutes. I realized that I had hit a rock so hard that it slightly bent my rim. But the worst part, the rock created a small burr (sharp edge) on the lip of the rim. This was the culprit to my 2 flats. Since I used my my last 2 tubes, I started hiking down the mountain. About an hour into my hike, a fellow mountain biker stopped and threw me a new tube, thanks Stranger!

But before I installed the new tube, I needed to address the burr. Forgive me for my crappy cell phone photo…I don’t own one of those fancy iphone thingies…You can kinda see where the rim bent. The inside of the rim had a sharp burr that punctured my tubes.

Since I didn’t have a file, I grabbed the next best thing, a rock! Yup, used that puppy to grind off the metal burr.

Viola! After my trail side repair, I mounted the new tube and inflated the tire and I was rolling back down the mountain.